profession/prəˋfɛʃən; prəˈfeʃ$n/n 1 [C] a job that needs special education and training〔需要专门教育和训练的〕职业﹐行业: the legal/medical/teaching etc profession I spent most of my life in the teaching profession. 我大半辈子都在从事教学工作。enter/go into/join a profession My father wanted me to go into the legal profession. 我爸爸希望我从事法律行业。by profession He's an architect by profession. 他的职业是建筑师。 see box at见 JOB 方框2 [singular 单数 also + plural verb BrE 英国英语中亦用复数动词] all the people in a particular profession 某职业的全体人员: the nursing profession 护理界