1 [C] a container that you pour a liquid or substance into. The liquid then becomes solid (sets) in the same shape as the container, for example after it has cooled or cooked. 模子;铸模
2 [C] [usu.sing] a particular type 类型;性格:
She doesn't fit into the usual mould of sales directors.她可不落一般营业总监的窠臼。
3 [U] a soft green or black substance like fur(fungus) that grows in wet places or on old food 霉;霉菌
➔mouldy(US 美 moldy) adjThe cheese had gone mouldy.干酪已经发霉了。
/məʊld ||; mold/
(US 美 mold) verb [T] mould A (into B);mould B (from/out of A) to make sth into a particular shape or form by pressing it or by putting it into a mould¹(1) 用模子制作;铸造;塑造:
First mould the dough into a ball.先把面团成球形。a bowl moulded from clay用黏土制作的碗
mould1/mold; məʊld/BrE 【英】; mold AmE 【美】n 1 [C] a container that you pour liquid into so that the liquid will take its shape when it becomes solid 模子﹐铸模: a chocolate mould 巧克力模子2 [U] a green or black substance that grows on old food or on wet things 霉﹐霉菌: a piece of old cheese covered in mould 一块放了很久的发霉的奶酪
mould2BrE 【英】; mold AmE 【美】v 1 [T] to shape a soft substance by pressing it or rolling it 使…成形﹔塑造2 [T] to influence the way someone's character or attitudes develop 影响〔某人的性格或观点〕﹔塑造: an attempt to mould public opinion 企图塑造舆论的行为
mouldmouldmouldsmouldedmoulding2 (British) (Americanmold)verb (moulds, moulding, moulded)to make something soft into a certain shape: The children moulded animals out of clay.mouldmouldmoulds1 (British) (Americanmold)noun1(pluralmoulds) a container that you pour liquid into. The liquid then becomes hard (sets) and takes the shape of the container: They poured the chocolate into a heart-shaped mould.2 (no plural) a soft green, grey or blue substance that grows on food that is too old▶ mouldymouldymouldiermouldiestadjective: mouldy cheese