benefitbenefitbenefits1noun1(pluralbenefits) something that is good or helpful: What are the benefits of having a computer? I did it for your benefit (= to help you).2(no plural) (British) money that the government gives to people who are ill or poor or who do not have a job: housing benefitbenefitbenefitbenefitsbenefitedbenefittedbenefitingbenefitting2verb (benefits, benefiting, benefitedorbenefitting, benefitted)to be good or helpful for somebody: The new law will benefit families with children.benefit from somethingto get something good or useful from something: She will benefit from a holiday.
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0_0: Translations of benefit
# v. 裨: advantage, aid, avail, benefit, profit 補: amend, benefit, help, make up, mend, nourish 嬴: accomplish, acquire, be of advantage to, attain, benefit, earn 贏: be of advantage to, beat, benefit, better, do better than, make better 贏利: advantage, be of advantage to, benefit, gain, profit, return 造福: benefit, bring benefit to
# n. 裨補: advantage, avail, behoof, benefit, gain, profit 裨益: advantage, avail, behoof, benefit, gain, profit 補益: benefit, help 得益: benefit, profit 好處: advantage, benefit, boot, gain, profit 惠: benefit, favor, favour, kind act, kindness 利: advantage, benefit, interest, profit 利益: benefit, boot, interest, profit 效益: beneficial result, benefit 益: advantage, benefit, profit 益處: benefit, good, profit 贏余: advantage, benefit, excess, extra, gain, good 澤: benefaction, beneficence, benefit, benevolence, blessing, lake
0_0: Definitions of benefit
# noun. - an advantage or profit gained from something. * enjoy the benefits of being a member - a payment or gift made by an employer, the state, or an insurance company. * welfare benefits - a public performance or other entertainment of which the proceeds go to a particular charitable cause. * the social season was highlighted by debutante balls and charity benefits
# verb. - receive an advantage; profit. * the areas would benefit from regeneration