1 to cause a person to feel annoyed or impatient because he/she cannot do or achieve what he/she wants 使恼怒;使不耐烦;使沮丧:
It's the lack of money that really frustrates him.最令他烦恼的莫过于缺乏资金。
2 (formal 正式) to prevent sb from doing sth or sth from happening 阻挠;妨碍:
The rescue work has been frustrated by bad weather conditions.天气恶劣,救援工作受阻。 ➔frustratedadjHe felt very frustrated at his lack of progress in learning Chinese.他的汉语学来学去也不见进步,令他很丧气。 ➔frustratingadj
frustrate/ˋfrʌstret; frʌˈstreIt/v [T] 1 if something frustrates you, it makes you feel impatient or angry because you are unable to do what you want 使沮丧﹐使懊恼: The slow pace of his learning frustrates him. 学得慢令他沮丧。2 to prevent someone's plans or efforts from succeeding 阻挠﹔挫败: Her plans were frustrated by her parents. 她的计划受到父母的阻挠。