/ˈkʌrɪdʒ ||; ˈkɝɪdʒ/noun
[U] the ability to control fear in a situation that may be dangerous or unpleasant 勇气:
It took real courage to go back into the burning building.要返回燃烧中的大楼需要真正的勇气。She showed great courageall through her long illness.她在患病的漫长日子里始终显示出无比的勇气。 [SYN] bravery 同义词为bravery➔courageous /kəˈreɪdʒəs ||; kəˈredʒəs/ adjpluck up courage→PLUCK¹
courage/ˋkɝIdʒ; ˈkʌrIdʒ/n [U] the quality you have when you do not let fear affect you in a frightening situation [ bravery ; cowardice ] 勇气﹔胆量: She showed great courage throughout her illness. 她在生病期间表现出极大的勇气。Driving again after his accident must have taken a lot of courage . 他发生车祸后再开车肯定需要很大的勇气。the courage to do sth He did not have the courage to tell Nicola that he was leaving her. 他没有勇气告诉妮古拉说他要离开她。—courageous /kəˋredʒəs; kəˈreIdʒəs/adj : a courageous decision 一个勇敢的决定 —courageously adv pluck up (the) courage (to do sth) at 见 PLUCK1
couragenoun (no plural)not being afraid, or not showing that you are afraid when you do something dangerous or difficultsame meaningbravery: She showed great courage in the face of danger.▶ courageousadjectivesame meaningbrave: a courageous young man