foldfoldfolds2nouna line that is made when you bend cloth or paperfoldfoldfoldsfoldedfolding1verb (folds, folding, folded) (alsofold up)1to bend something so that one part is on top of another part: I folded the letter and put it in the envelope. Fold up your clothes.oppositeunfold2to be able to be made smaller in order to be carried or stored more easily: a folding chair This table folds up flat.fold your armsIf you fold your arms, you cross them in front of your chest: She folded her arms and waited. see Picture Dictionary for video
# v. 抱住: hold in one's arms, clasp, enclasp, fold, grip, gripe 合攏: close, fold, shut 籠罩: envelop, fold, hang over, hover about, hover over, involve 折: break, loose money in business, snap, roll over, turn over, fold 摺: double up, fold 折疊: fold, replicate
0_0: Definitions of fold
# verb. - bend (something flexible and relatively flat) over on itself so that one part of it covers another. * she folded all her clothes and packed all her bags - cover or wrap something in (a soft or flexible material). * a plastic bag was folded around the book - (of an enterprise or organization) cease operating as a result of financial problems or a lack of support. * the club folded earlier this year - shut (livestock) in a fold.
# noun. - a form or shape produced by the gentle draping of a loose, full garment or piece of cloth. * the fabric fell in soft folds - a line or crease produced in paper or cloth as the result of folding it. - a pen or enclosure in a field where livestock, especially sheep, can be kept.
# suffix. - in an amount multiplied by. * threefold - consisting of so many parts or facets. * twofold