/ˌi:kəˈnɒmɪkl;ˌekə- ||; ˌikəˈnɑmɪkḷ; ˌɛkə-/adj
that costs or uses less time, money, fuel, etc than usual 经济的;省钱的;节约的:
an economical car to run一部开起来省油的汽车☞Look at economic. It has a different meaning. 参看 economic。意思不同。 [OPP] uneconomical 反义词为 uneconomical➔economically /ˌi:kəˈnɒmɪkli ;ˌekə- ||; ˌikəˈnɑmɪklɪ; ˌɛkə-/ advThe train service could be run more economically.火车服务可以办得更符合经济效益。
economical/͵ikəˋnɑmIkḷ; ˌekəˈnɒmIk$l/adj using money, time, products etc carefully and without wasting any 经济的﹐节约的: a smaller and more economical car 一辆较小、较省油的汽车 —economically /-kḷI; -kli/adv : Food is produced as efficiently and economically as possible. 食品生产要力求高效﹑经济。
economicaladjectivecosting or using less time, money, etc. than usual: This car is very economical to run (= it does not use a lot of petrol).which word?Be careful! Economic has a different meaning.▶ economicallyadverb: The service could be run more economically.