objective1/əbˋdʒɛktIv; əbˈdʒektIv/n [C] something that you are working hard to achieve 目的﹐目标: Our main objective is to raise money. 我们的主要目的是筹款。see box at见 PURPOSE 方框
objective2adj not influenced by your own feelings or opinions [ subjective ] 客观的﹐无偏见的: It's hard to give an objective opinion about your own children. 对自己的子女作出客观的评价是很难的。 —objectively adv —objectivity /͵ɑbdʒɛkˋtIvətI; ˌɒbdʒekˈtIvəti or ˌɒbdʒekˈtIvIti/n [U]