column/ˋkɑləm; ˈkɒləm/n [C]1 a tall, solid, upright, stone post used to support a building 柱﹐圆柱: the marble columns of a Greek temple 一座希腊寺庙的大理石圆柱2 numbers or words written under each other down a page [→ row]〔数字或单词的〕列: Add up the numbers in each column. 把每一列的数字加起来。+of a column of figures 一列数字3 lines of print that go down the page of a newspaper or book〔报纸或书页上的〕栏4 an article on a particular subject that appears regularly in a newspaper or magazine〔报刊的〕专栏(文章): He writes a weekly column for ‘The Times’. 他为《泰晤士报》每周写一篇专栏文章。a gardening column 园艺专栏see box at见 NEWSPAPER 方框5 something with a long narrow shape 柱状物: +of a column of smoke 一柱轻烟6 a long moving line of people or vehicles〔人或车移动的〕队列: +of a column of soldiers on the march 行进中的一队士兵GOSSIP COLUMN