/ˈserəməni; US -məʊnɪ ||; ˈsɛrəˌmonɪ/noun
1 [C] a formal public or religious event 仪式;典礼:
the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games奥运会开幕式a wedding ceremony婚礼
2 [U] formal behaviour, speech, actions, etc that are expected on special occasions 礼仪;礼节:
The new hospital was opened with great ceremony.这家新医院举行了隆重的开业典礼。
ceremony/ˋsɛrə͵monI; ˈserəməni or ˈserIməni/n plural ceremonies 1 [C] a formal event that happens in public on special occasions 典礼﹐仪式: a wedding ceremony 婚礼the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games 奥运会开幕式2 [U] the formal actions and words always used on particular occasions 礼仪﹐礼节: with ceremony The statue was erected with great ceremony in 1905. 1905年这座雕像隆重揭幕。