/ˈsɪzəz ||; ˈsɪzɚz/noun
[pl] a tool for cutting things that consists of two long, flat, sharp pieces of metal that are joined together 剪刀 Scissors is a plural noun These scissors are blunt. We cannot say ‘a scissors’: we must say a pair of scissors. scissors为复数名词:These scissors are blunt.这把剪刀很钝。不能说a scissors。表示一把剪刀,必须说a pair of scissors。
scissors/ˋsIzɚz; ˈsIzəz/n [plural 复数] a tool for cutting paper or cloth, with two sharp blades that are joined together, and handles with holes for your finger and thumb 剪刀: a pair of scissors 一把剪刀see picture at见 CLASSROOM 图
scissorsnoun (plural)a tool for cutting that has two sharp parts that are joined together: These scissors aren't very sharp.grammarBe careful! You cannot say ‘a scissors’. You can say a pair of scissors: I need a pair of scissors. (or: I need some scissors.)