1 not dead; living 活着;有生命:
The young woman was still alive when the ambulance reached the hospital.救护车到达医院时,那个年轻女人还活着。The quick action of the doctors kept the child alive.医生及时行动,保全了孩子的性命。
Alive can only be used after a noun, but you can use living before a noun Are her parents still alive?Does she have any living relatives?alive 只能用于名词后,名词前可以用 living:Are her parents still alive? 她父母亲仍然健在吗? Does she have any living relatives? 她还有亲戚在世吗?
2 continuing to exist 继续存在;尚存:
Many old traditions are very much alive in this area of the country.在该国的这一地区,许多旧传统依然保留着。
3 full of life 充满生机;富有生气:
In the evening the town really comes alive.到了晚上,城里就真的变得生气勃勃。
alive/əˋlaIv; əˈlaIv/adj [not before noun 不用于名词前]1 living and not dead 活着的: They didn’t expect to find anyone alive after the explosion. 他们没有指望爆炸后能找到生还者。My grandparents are still alive . 我的祖父祖母都还健在。I’m amazed my plants have stayed alive in this weather. 我非常吃惊﹐在这样的天气下我的植物竟然还能存活。He was kept alive on a life-support machine. 他靠生命维持机维持着生命。2 continuing to exist 继续存在的: Ancient traditions are very much alive in rural areas. 古老的传统在农村地区依然盛行。3 full of energy or activity 活跃的﹐充满生气的: +with The stadium was alive with excitement. 运动场里一片沸腾。The streets come alive after ten o’clock. 过了 10 点﹐街道就会热闹起来。