rear1/rIr; rIə/n 1 the rear the back part of an object, vehicle, building etc〔物体﹑车辆﹑建筑物等的〕后部﹐后面: at the rear There are more seats at the rear of the hall. 礼堂的后面还有更多座位。2 also 又作 rear end [C] the part of your body which you sit on 臀部﹐屁股3 bring up the rear to be at the back of a line of people or a group of people in a race 落在队尾﹔居末﹔殿后 —rear adj : a rear window 后窗
rear2v 1 [T] to look after a person or animal until they are fully grown [ raise ] 抚养﹐养育〔孩子〕﹔饲养〔动物〕: She reared seven children by herself. 她独力抚养七个孩子。2 also 又作 rear up [I] if an animal rears, it rises up on its back legs〔动物〕用后腿站立: The horse reared and threw me off. 那匹马扬起前蹄﹐把我摔了下来。3 rear its ugly head if a problem or something bad rears its ugly head, it appears or happens〔问题或坏事〕冒头﹐出现﹐发生: We must fight racism wherever it rears its ugly head. 无论哪里出现种族主义﹐我们都必须与之斗争。
rearrearrearsrearedrearing3verb (rears, rearing, reared)to care for and educate young childrensame meaningbring somebody up, raise: She reared three children without any help.rearrear1noun (no plural)the back part of something: The kitchen is at the rear of the house.oppositefrontrearrear2adjectiveat the back of something: the rear window of a car