filter1/ˋfIltɚ; ˈfIltə/n [C] a piece of equipment that you put gas or liquid through in order to remove solid substances that are not wanted 过滤器: a water filter 滤水器
filter2v 1 [T] to clean a liquid or gas using a filter 过滤: filtered drinking water 经过过滤的饮用水2 [I] if people filter somewhere, they gradually move there〔人们〕逐渐移动﹐缓行: The audience began to filter into the hall. 观众开始陆续进入大厅。3 [I] if information filters somewhere, people gradually hear about it〔消息〕慢慢传开: The news slowly filtered through to everyone in the office. 这消息慢慢传到了办公室所有人的耳朵里。