correct1/kəˋrɛkt; kəˈrekt/adj 1 right or without any mistakes [ right ; incorrect ] 正确的﹐无误的: He gave the correct answer . 他的回答正确。‘Is your name Ives?’‘Yes, that's correct. ’ “你叫艾夫斯吗?”“是的﹐没错。”see box at见 RIGHT1 方框2 suitable for a particular situation 适当的: Hold the wheel in the correct position. 把轮子保持在正确位置。—correctly adv : Have you spelled it correctly? 你拼写得正确吗?—correctness n [U] POLITICALLY CORRECT
correct2v [T]1 to make something right or make it work the way it should 改正﹐纠正: Please correct the mistakes in your homework. 请订正家庭作业中的错误。Most eyesight problems are easy to correct. 大多数视力问题都容易纠正。2 to tell or show someone what mistakes they have made 指正…的错误﹐纠正: He always corrects my pronunciation. 他总是纠正我的发音。