deny/dIˋnaI; dIˈnaI/v [T] denied , denying , denies 1 to say that something is not true [ admit ; → denial] 否认﹐否定: In court they denied all the charges. 在法庭上他们否认了所有的指控。+(that) He strongly denied that he had taken the money. 他坚决否认拿了那笔钱。deny doing sth Wilks denies murdering his wife. 威尔克斯否认谋杀妻子。2 to not let someone have something 拒绝﹐不允许〔某人拥有某物〕: deny sb sth Many people are being denied basic human rights. 许多人的基本人权正在被剥夺。
denydenydeniesdenieddenyingverb (denies, denying, denied/, has denied)to say that something is not true: He denied that he had stolen the car.They denied breaking the window.oppositeadmit