/ˈsɪmplɪfaɪ ||; ˈsɪmpləˌfaɪ/verb
[T] (present participlesimplifyingthird person singular presentsimplifies;past tensepast participlesimplified) to make sth easier to do or understand; to make sth less complicated 简化:
The process of applying for visas has been simplified.申请签证的程序已经简化了。 ➔simplification /ˌsɪmplɪfɪˈkeɪʃn ||; ˌsɪmpləfəˈkeʃən/ noun [C,U]
simplify/ˋsImplə͵faI; ˈsImpləfaI or ˈsImplIfaI/v [T] simplified , simplifying , simplifies to make something easier to do or understand 简化﹐使简单: an attempt to simplify the tax system 简化税制的尝试 —simplification /͵sImpləfəˋkeʃən; ˌsImpləfəˈkeIʃ$n or ˌsImplIfIˈkeIʃ$n/n [U]
simplifysimplifysimplifiessimplifiedsimplifyingverb (simplifies, simplifying, simplified/, has simplified)to make something easier to do or understand: The story has been simplified so that the children can understand it.