/ˈsekəndli ||; ˈsɛkəndlɪ/adv
(used when you are giving your second reason or opinion) also (用于提出第二个理由或意见)第二,其次:
Firstly, I think it's too expensive and secondly, we don't really need it.首先我认为价钱太贵了;其次我们也并不真正需要它。
secondly/ˋsɛkəndlI; ˈsekəndli/adv used to introduce the second fact or reason that you want to talk about 其次﹐第二: Firstly, the cars are expensive to make and secondly, they are not very good. 首先﹐这些汽车的造价高昂﹐其次﹐它们的质量也不太好。