1 (also Queen) the female ruler of a country 女王:
Queen Elizabeth II (= the second)女王伊莉萨白二世☞Look at king, prince and princess. 参看king、prince及princess。
2 (also Queen) the wife of a king 王后
3 the largest and most important female in a group of insects (昆虫中的)女王:
the queen bee蜂王
4 one of the four playing cards in a pack with a picture of a queen (纸牌中的)王后:
the queen of hearts红心王后☞Look at the note and picture at card. 参看card的注释及插图。
5 (in chess) the most powerful piece, that can move any distance and in all directions (国际象棋)后
queen/kwin; kwiːn/n [C]1 Queen the female ruler of a country, or the wife of a king[→ king] 女王﹔王后: Queen Elizabeth II 女王伊丽莎白二世2 a playing card with a picture of a queen on it〔纸牌中的〕王后: the queen of clubs 梅花王后3 a large female BEE that lays the eggs for a whole group 蜂后
queenqueenqueensqueenedqueeningnoun1a woman from a royal family who rules a country: Queen Elizabeth II (= the second), the Queen of England.2the wife of a king