/ɪnˈtɪmɪdeɪt ||; ɪnˈtɪməˌdet/verb
[T] intimidate sb (into sth/doing sth) to frighten or threaten sb, often in order to make him/her do sth 恫吓,恐吓,胁迫(为使做某事):
She refused to be intimidated by their threats.她不屈服于他们的恐吓。 ➔intimidatingadjThe teacher had rather an intimidating manner.那位老师的态度相当吓人。 ➔intimidation /ɪnˌtɪmɪˈdeɪʃn ||; ɪnˌtɪməˈdeʃən/ noun [U]:
The rebel troops controlled the area by intimidation.叛军用威吓手段控制了那个地区。
intimidate/InˋtImə͵det; InˈtImədeIt or InˈtImIdeIt/v [T] to frighten someone or make them feel nervous 恐吓﹐恫吓﹐威胁﹔使紧张: She refused to let him intimidate her. 她不受他威胁。 —intimidating adj : I found the interview quite intimidating. 我觉得这次面试相当吓人。 —intimidated adj : She felt intimidated by the crowd. 看见这么多人﹐她就觉得紧张。 —intimidation /In͵tIməˋdeʃən; InˌtIməˈdeIʃ$n or InˌtImIˈdeIʃ$n/n [U]