1 clear; easily seen, heard or understood 清楚的;明显的;容易明白的:
There has been a distinct improvement in your work recently.近来你的工作有明显的改进。I had the distinct impression that she was lying.我一看便觉得她显然在说谎。
2distinct (from sth) clearly different 明显不同的;截然不同的:
Her books fall into two distinct groups: the novels and the travel stories.她的著作可清楚地分成两类﹕小说和游记。This region, as distinct from other parts of the country, relies heavily on tourism.这一地区与该国的其他地方明显不同,十分依赖旅游业。 [OPP] for both senses indistinct 两个义项的反义词皆为indistinct
distinct/dIˋstIŋkt; dIˈstIŋkt/adj 1 clearly different or separate 截然不同的﹔完全独立的: Spanish and Catalan are two entirely distinct languages. 西班牙语和加泰罗尼亚语是两种截然不同的语言。2 if something is distinct, you can see, hear, or notice it easily 清晰的﹐明显的: There was a distinct smell of burning. 有一股明显的焚烧味。3 as distinct from used to emphasize that you are talking about one thing and not another 与…不同的﹐区别于…的: I am talking about childhood as distinct from adolescence. 我说的是有别于青春期的童年时期。 —distinctly adv : I distinctly remember his words. 我清楚地记得他说的话。
distinctadjective1easy to hear, see or smell; clear: There is a distinct smell of burning in this room.2clearly different: English and Welsh are two distinct languages.▶ distinctlyadverbvery clearly: I distinctly heard him say his name was Robert.