handle1/ˋhændḷ; ˈhændl/v [T]1 to deal with something 处理﹔应付: Computers can handle huge amounts of data. 电脑可以处理大量数据。Ms Lee handled all of our travel arrangements. 李女士负责我们所有的旅行安排。The job was so stressful, he couldn’t handle it any longer. 这工作压力很大﹐他再也干不了了。2 to pick up or touch something 触﹔摸﹔拿﹔碰: Handle all packages with care. 所有包裹都要小心轻放。3 to buy or sell goods 经销﹔买卖: Upton was charged with handling stolen goods . 厄普顿被指控买卖赃物。
handle2n [C] the part of something that you hold when you use it 柄﹔把手: a pan with a broken handle 一个把手坏了的平底锅a door handle 门把手