1 [C] an amount of money that you owe to sb 债;欠款;债务:
She borrowed a lot of money and she's still paying off the debt.她借了很多钱,到现在还没有还清所有欠款。
2 [U] the state of owing money 负债:
After he lost his job, he got into debt.他失业以后便开始负债。
3 [C] [usu.sing] (formal 正式) something that you owe sb, for example because he/she has helped or been kind to you 人情债;恩惠:
In his speech he acknowledged his debt to his family and friends for their support.在演说中,他对家人和朋友们给予他的支持表示深切谢意。
be in/out of debt to owe/not owe money 欠或不欠债
be in sb's debt(formal 正式) to feel grateful to sb for sth that he/she has done for you 感激某人给予恩惠
debt/dɛt; det/n 1 [C,U] if you have debts, or if you are in debt, you owe money to someone 债务﹐欠款: He sold the house to pay off his debts . 他卖掉房子来偿还债务。+of debts of £50 million 5000 万英镑的债务in debt (to sb) I was heavily in debt . 我负债累累。get/run/fall into debt 陷入债务之中﹐负债a pile of bad debts (=debts that are unlikely to be paid) 大量坏账see box at见 OWE 方框2 [C usually singular 一般用单数] the degree to which you have been influenced by, or helped by, someone or something 影响﹔恩惠: Years later, she acknowledged the debt she owed him for his help in London. 多年以后﹐她对他在伦敦给予的帮助表示了感谢。be in sb's debt formal (=be thankful for something someone has done for you)【正式】感激某人
debtdebtdebtsnounmoney that you must pay back to somebody: The company has borrowed a lot of money and it still has debts.in debtIf you are in debt, you must pay money to somebody.