1 (used about food or farming methods) produced by or using natural materials, without artificial chemicals (指食物或耕作方法)施用有机肥料的:
organic vegetables用有机肥料培植的蔬菜organic farming有机肥料耕作
2 produced by or existing in living things 有机的;有机体的;生物体的:
organic compounds/molecules有机化合物;有机物分子 [OPP] inorganic 反义词为inorganic➔organically /-kli ||; -klɪ/ advorganically grown/produced 用有机肥料栽种╱生产的
organic/ɔrˋgænIk; ɔːˈɡænIk/adj 1 relating to farming or gardening without using chemicals that are harmful to the environment〔农作或园艺〕不使用化肥[农药]的﹐有机的﹐绿色的: organic food/vegetables/milk etc 有机食品/蔬菜/牛奶等see box at见 FOOD, ENVIRONMENTand 和 NATURAL1 方框2 related to or produced by living things [ inorganic ] 生物的﹐有机物的: organic matter 有机物质—organically /-kḷI; -kli/adv
organicadjective1grown in a natural way, without using chemicals: organic vegetables2containing living things: Improve the soil by adding organic matter.