nasty/ˋnæstI; ˈnɑːsti/adj unpleasant or unkind 令人不愉快的; 不友好的: a nasty accident 严重的事故a nasty shock 沉重的打击Drivers have a nasty habit of driving too close to cyclists. 驾驶员有个不好的习惯﹐就是把车开得离骑自行车的人太近。What a nasty thing to say! 这话说得多难听!+to Don’t be so nasty to your sister (=treat her unkindly). 别对你姐姐这么凶。get/turn nasty especially BrE (=suddenly start behaving in a threatening way)【尤英】突然凶起来 When Tim refused, Dan turned nasty. 蒂姆拒绝后﹐丹顿时翻了脸。see box at见 HORRIBLEand 和 UNKIND 方框 —nastiness n [U] —nastily adv