sixty/ˋsIkstI; ˈsIksti/number 1 the number 60 六十: sixty years ago 六十年前2 the sixties also 又作 the ’60s, the 1960s [plural 复数] the years from 1960 to 1969(20 世纪) 60 年代: the early/mid/late sixties the student riots in Paris in the late sixties 60 年代末在巴黎的学生暴乱3 be in your sixties to be aged between 60 and 69 六十多岁: early/mid/late sixties She's in her late sixties. 她近七十岁。4 in the sixties if the temperature is in the sixties, it is between 60 degrees and 69 degrees F〔气温华氏〕六十多度 —sixtieth adj : her sixtieth birthday 她的六十岁生日