examination/Ig͵zæməˋneʃən; IɡˌzæməˈneIʃ$n or IɡˌzæmIˈneIʃ$n/n 1 [C] formal an official test of knowledge or ability in a particular subject【正式】考试: The examination results will be announced in September. 考试成绩将于九月份公布。pass/fail an examination He passed all his examinations . 他通过了所有考试。2 [C,U] when someone looks at or considers something carefully 检查﹐审查: +of a detailed examination of the data 对数据的详细审查On closer examination , the painting was found to be a forgery. 经进一步检查发现这幅画是赝品。3 [C] a set of medical tests 医学检查: He was given a thorough medical examination . 给他作了一次全面的体格检查。