/ˈmi:ntaɪm ||; ˈminˌtaɪm/nounin the meantime in the time between two things happening 在此期间:
Our house isn't finished so in the meantime we're living with my mother.我们的房子还没有完工,所以目前我们与母亲同住。
meantime/ˋmin͵taIm; ˈmiːntaIm/n in the meantime until something happens, or in the time between two events 在此期间﹔在间隔时间里: Dinner's nearly ready. Would you like a drink in the meantime? 晚餐快准备好了﹐你想先喝点什么吗?
meantimenoun (no plural)in the meantimein the time between two things happening: Our house isn't ready, so we're living with my parents in the meantime.