/ˈɒprə ||; ˈɑpərə/noun
[C] [U] a play in which the actors (opera singers) sing the words to music; works of this kind performed as entertainment 歌剧:
an opera by Wagner瓦格纳的歌剧Do you like opera?你喜欢歌剧吗?a comic opera喜歌剧☞Look at soap opera. 参看soap opera。
opera/ˋɑpərə; ˈɒp$rə/n [C,U] a musical play in which all of the words are sung 歌剧: an opera singer 歌剧演员 —operatic /͵ɑpəˋrætIk; ˌɒpəˈrætIk◄/adj SOAP OPERA