embrace/Imˋbres; ImˈbreIs/v [T] formal 【正式】1 to put your arms around someone and hold them in a loving way 拥抱: She warmly embraced her son. 她热情地拥抱了儿子。2 formal to eagerly accept a new idea, opinion, religion etc【正式】欣然接受〔新的思想﹑观点﹑宗教等〕: We hope these regions will embrace democratic reforms. 我们希望这些地区会欢迎民主改革。3 formal to include something【正式】包括﹐涉及: This course embraces different aspects of psychology. 这门课程包含心理学的几个不同方面。 —embrace n [C] He held her in a loving embrace. 他深情地拥抱着她。