/ri:p ||; rip/verb
[T] to cut and collect a crop (corn, wheat, etc) 收割(玉米、小麦等庄稼) (figurative 比喻)
Work hard now and you'll reap the benefits later on.现在努力工作,不久就会有收获。
reap/rip; riːp/v 1 [T] to get something good because of the hard work you have done〔因努力而〕获得﹐取得〔成果〕: It will be some time before you reap the benefits of your hard work. 假以时日﹐你付出的努力才会得到回报。2 [I,T] old-fashioned to cut and gather a crop of grain【过时】收割〔庄稼〕