award1/əˋwɔrd; əˈwɔːd/n [C]1 a prize that someone gets for something that they have achieved 奖﹔奖品﹔奖金: +for She won an award for her book. 她的书得了奖。2 an amount of money that is given to someone because of a judge's decision〔法庭的〕裁定额: +for an award for unfair dismissal 因遭遇无理解雇而得到的赔偿金
award2v [T] to officially give someone a prize or money 授予〔奖品或奖金〕﹐奖励: award sth to sb A prize will be awarded to the winner. 获胜者将得到一份奖品。award sb sth The judge awarded me first prize. 评判员给了我一等奖。see box at见 GIVE1 方框