cream1/krim; kriːm/n 1 [U] a thick white liquid that comes from milk 奶油﹔乳脂: strawberries and cream 奶油草莓fresh cream 鲜奶油2 [C,U] a thick smooth substance that you put on your skin to make it softer or less painful 护肤霜﹔雪花膏: face cream 面霜sun cream 防晒霜3 the cream of sth the best people or things in a group 某事物的精英[精华]: the cream of Europe's footballers 欧洲的精英足球员 ICE CREAM, SUN CREAM
cream2adj pale yellow-white in colour 奶黄色的: a cream-coloured carpet 奶黄色的地毯