collapse1/kəˋlæps; kəˈlæps/v [I] 1 to fall down suddenly 倒塌﹔坍塌: Many buildings collapsed during the earthquake. 地震中许多建筑物倒塌了。2 to suddenly fall down or become unconscious because you are ill or very weak〔因病或虚弱〕突然倒下[昏倒]: He collapsed with a dangerously high fever. 他突然倒下﹐体温高得危险。3 to fail suddenly and completely 崩溃﹐垮掉﹐瓦解: The luxury car market has collapsed. 豪华汽车市场崩溃了。
collapse2n [C,U] 1 the sudden failure of a business, system, or plan〔公司﹑系统或计划的〕崩溃﹐垮掉: +of the collapse of the Soviet Union 苏联的解体economic collapse 经济崩溃2 when something suddenly falls down 倒塌: Floods caused the collapse of the bridge. 洪水把桥冲垮了。3 when someone suddenly falls down or becomes unconscious because of an illness or injury〔因生病或受伤而出现的〕昏倒﹐昏迷: The prisoner was in a state of collapse . 这个囚犯处于昏迷状态。