vacation1/veˋkeʃən; vəˈkeIʃ$n/n [C,U]1 AmE a period of time that you spend in another place for enjoyment [ holiday BrE 【英】]【美】度假: We’re thinking of taking a vacation in the Virgin Islands. 我们在考虑到维尔京群岛去度假。on vacation I went there once on vacation. 我去那里度过一次假。2 especially AmE a period of time when you do not have to work or go to school [ holiday BrE 【英】]【尤美】假期﹐休假: the summer vacation 暑假on vacation They’re on vacation for the next two weeks. 接下来的两个星期他们要休假。Contractors aren’t entitled to paid vacation time . 合同工不能享受带薪休假。
vacation2v [I] AmE to go somewhere for a holiday [ holiday BrE 【英】]【美】度假 —vacationer n [C]
vacationvacationvacationsvacationedvacationingnoun (American) (Britishholiday)a period of time when you are not working or studying: They're on vacation in Hawaii.