1 a list that shows the days, weeks and months of a particular year 日历;月历;年历
A calendar is often hung on a wall and may have a separate page for each month, sometimes with a picture or photograph. A diary is a little book which you can carry around with you and which has spaces next to the dates so that you can write in appointments, etc. 日历(calendar)一般挂在墙上,有些每月一页,可能附有图片。记事簿(diary)便于携带,日期旁的空白处可写上约会或其他事项。
2 a system for dividing time into fixed periods and for marking the beginning and end of a year 历法:
the Muslim calendar穆斯林历
3 a list of dates and events in a year that are important in a particular area of activity (某类活动的)全年大事表:
Wimbledon is a major event in the sporting calendar.温布尔顿网球赛是体坛每年的一大盛事。