1 [C,U] saying that sth is good and should be tried or used 推荐;介绍:
I visited Seville on a friend's recommendationand I really enjoyed it.在朋友的推荐下,我游览了塞维利亚。我真的很喜欢那里。
2 [C] a statement about what should be done in a particular situation 建议:
In their report on the crash, the committee make several recommendationson how safety could be improved.在失事报告里,委员会提出了几项改善安全的建议。
recommendation/͵rɛkəmɛnˋdeʃən; ˌrekəmenˈdeIʃ$n/n 1 [C] an official statement advising people what to do about something 正式建议﹔提议: The committee made detailed recommendations to the school. 委员会向学校提出详细的建议。+that the recommendation that babies should be laid to sleep on their backs 让婴儿仰睡的建议2 [C,U] when you suggest that someone should choose a person or thing because they are very good 推荐﹐介绍: on sb's recommendation We took the tour on a friend's recommendation. 我们经一位朋友介绍﹐参加了这次旅行。3 [C] especially AmE a letter or statement saying that someone is suitable for a job, course etc【尤美】推荐信﹐介绍信
recommendationrecommendationrecommendationsnounsaying that something is good or useful: We stayed at this hotel on their recommendation (= because they said it was good).