1 [U] help 帮助;协助:
to walk with the aid of a stick拄着拐杖走路He had to go to the aid of a child in the river.他要去救那个掉进河里的儿童。☞Look at first aid. 参看 first aid。
2 [C] a person or thing that helps you 提供帮助的人或物:
a hearing aid助听器dictionaries and other study aids词典和其他学习辅助器材
3 [U] money, food, etc that is sent to a country or to people in order to help them 援助(指金钱、食物等):
We sent aid to the earthquake victims.我们给地震灾民送去援助物品。economic aid经济援助
in aid of sb/sth in order to collect money for sb/sth, especially for a charity 为某人或某事筹款(尤指为慈善机构):
a concert in aid of Children in Need一个为待援儿童协会筹款的音乐会
/eɪd ||; ed/verb
[T] (formal 正式) to help sb/sth 帮忙:
Sleep aids recovery from illness.睡眠有助病后康复。aid and abet to help sb to do sth that is not allowed by law 协助犯罪;帮凶