/ˈtemprəri; US -pərerɪ ||; ˈtɛmpəˌrɛrɪ/adj
lasting for a short time; not permanent 临时的;暂时的:
a temporary job临时性工作This arrangement is only temporary. 这项安排只是暂时的。 ➔temporarily /ˈtemprərəli; US ˌtempəˈrerəlɪ ||; ˌtɛmpəˈrɛrəlɪ/ adv
temporary/ˋtɛmpə͵rɛrI; ˈtemp$rəri/adj existing or happening only for a short time [ permanent ] 暂时的﹔临时的﹔短期的: a temporary job 临时工作She was employed on a temporary basis . 她受雇做临时工。—temporarily /͵tɛmpəˋrɛrəlI; ˈtemp$rərəli or ˈtemp$rərIli/adv : The library is temporarily closed. 图书馆暂时关闭了。
temporarytemporarytemporariesadjectiveSomething that is temporary lasts for a short time: I had a temporary job in the summer holidays.oppositepermanent