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(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)
empty1/ˋɛmptI; ˈempti/ adj comparative emptier , superlative emptiest 1 an empty container or place has nothing or no one in it〔容器〕空的﹔〔地方〕无人的: Noticing her empty wine glass, he refilled it. 看到她的酒杯空了﹐他将它重新斟满。By midnight, the streets were empty. 午夜时分街上空无一人。I’ve left an empty space for your signature. 我给你留了一个空位签名。The train was half-empty (=there were not many people on it). 火车有一半是空的。THESAURUS 同类词bare – used about a room or area that has very little in it〔房间或地方〕空荡荡的: Apart from a bed, the room was bare. 除了一张床﹐房间里空无一物。deserted – used about a place or building that has no people in it〔地方或建筑〕空寂无人的: a deserted beach 空寂无人的海滩By now, the streets were deserted. 这时候街上空无一人。uninhabited – used about a place that has no people living in it 无人居住的﹔杳无人烟的: an uninhabited island 一座杳无人烟的岛屿free – used about a seat, space, or room that no one is using〔座位﹑空间或房间〕空着的: Is this seat free? 这个座位有人吗?hollow – used about something that has an empty space inside 中空的﹔空心的: The water flows through a hollow tube and into the drain. 水通过一条中空的管道流入下水道。2 without meaning, value, or importance 空洞的﹔无意义的﹔无价值的: empty words/promises/threats etc a government's empty promises 政府的空头承诺Without him, my life would be empty. 没有他﹐我的生活会毫无意义。emptiness n [U] a feeling of emptiness 空虚感

empty2 v emptied , emptying , empties 1 also 又作 empty out [T] if you empty a container, you remove everything from it 倒空﹐倾空: The thieves had emptied out the desks. 小偷把桌子洗劫一空。empty sth into/onto sth Rachel emptied the soup into a pan. 雷切尔把汤倒入平底锅里。 2 [I] if a place empties, people leave it〔场所〕变空﹐人离去: The stores were already emptying. 商店里顾客已经开始离去。
Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯
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0_0: Translations of empty
  • # a.
    乾: dry, empty, hollow, male, strong
    空的: empty, hollow, leary, unfruitful, unoccupied, vacant
    空洞的: barren, empty, frothy, hollow, inane, tenuous
    空腹的: empty, hollow
    空虛的: blank, empty, flatulent, hollow, inane, moonshiny
    匱: deficient, empty, exhausted, lacking
    廓: big, empty, open, wide
    徒: bare, empty
    瞎: blind, blind in one eye, crook, crooked, curved, empty
    虛: blank, bogus, diffident, empty, exhausted, fake
  • # n.
    空的東西: empty
    空物: empty
    匱: empty, lack
    枵: empty, hollow of a tree
  • # v.
    傾: bend, collapse, empty, incline, lean, overturn
    傾倒: greatly admire, dump, empty, pour, tip, topple over
    傾卸: dump, empty, pour, tip
    注入: breathe into, disembogue, empty, implant, impregnate, inflood

0_0: Definitions of empty
  • # adjective.
    - containing nothing; not filled or occupied.
    * the room was empty of furniture
    - (of words or a gesture) lacking meaning or sincerity.
    * his answer sounded a little empty
    - having no value or purpose.
    * her life felt empty and meaningless
    - hungry.
    * None
  • # verb.
    - remove all the contents of (a container).
    * we empty the cash register each night at closing time
  • # noun.
    - a container (especially a bottle or glass) left empty of its contents.
    * the barman collected the empties

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