traffic/ˋtræfIk; ˈtræfIk/n [U]1 the vehicles moving along a road 路上行驶的车辆﹐交通: There was heavy traffic (=a lot of vehicles) on the motorway. 高速公路上交通繁忙。We left early to avoid the traffic (=not meet a lot of other vehicles). 我们早早出发﹐好避开塞车。get caught/stuck in traffic (=be delayed by a lot of vehicles on the road) 遇到塞车a traffic accident 交通事故2 the movement of planes, ships etc from one place to another〔飞机﹑船等的〕来往﹐交通: air traffic control 空中交通管制3 the buying and selling of illegal drugs, weapons etc〔毒品﹑武器等的〕非法买卖﹐非法交易