presence/ˋprɛzṇs; ˈprez$ns/n 1 [singular 单数] when someone or something is somewhere at a particular time, or a group of people who are somewhere at a particular time [ absence ] 到场﹐出席﹔存在: in sb's presence The document should be signed in the presence of a witness. 签署这份文件应有一位见证人在场。+of Tests revealed the presence of drugs in his blood. 化验显示他的血液中含有毒品。A heavy police presence (=group of police sent to a place to control a situation) prevented further trouble. 调派大批警察到场后阻止了事态的扩大。2 presence of mind the ability to deal with a dangerous or difficult situation quickly and calmly 镇定﹐沉着: have the presence of mind to do sth Luckily, she had the presence of mind to phone for an ambulance. 幸亏她能镇定地打电话叫救护车。3 make your presence felt to have a strong effect on a situation or the people you are with 使人感到你的重要﹔左右局势: Hanley has certainly made his presence felt since joining the company. 汉利自加入公司后无疑产生了举足轻重的影响。