origin/ˋɔrədʒIn; ˈɒrədʒən or ˈɒrIdʒIn/n [C,U] 1 where, when, or how something began 起源﹔起因: +of the origin of life on Earth 地球上生命的起源of Latin/German etc origin The word is of Latin origin. 这个单词源自拉丁语。in origin Some field boundaries are medieval in origin. 有些田界源于中世纪。The company had its origins in France. 这家公司始创于法国。2 the country, race, or social class from which someone comes 原籍﹔血统﹔出身: He's proud of his Italian origins. 他为自己的意大利血统而自豪。ethnic/racial/social origin 族裔/种族/出身She could never forget her humble origins (=the low social class she came from). 她怎么都忘不了自己卑微的出身。They will be sent back to their country of origin . 他们将被遣送回自己的国家。