grey1/gre; ɡreI/ usually 一般作 grayAmE 【美】adj 1 having the colour of dark clouds, neither black nor white 灰色的﹐灰白的: grey rain clouds 灰色的雨云dark grey trousers 深灰色裤子2 having grey hair 头发灰白[花白]的: My father went grey in his forties. 我父亲四十多岁的时候头发就变白了。3 weather that is grey is dull and cloudy〔天气〕灰暗的﹐阴沉沉的: It was a grey Sunday morning. 那是一个天色阴沉的星期天早上。see box at见 SUNNY 方框4 boring and unattractive 沉闷单调的﹐无生气的: grey businessmen 乏味的生意人5 [only before noun 仅用于名词前] BrE relating to old people【英】老年人的: the grey vote 老年人的投票6 grey area a part of a subject such as law or science that is hard to deal with because the rules are not clear 灰色地带〔指学科中因规则不明而难以处理的方面〕
grey2 usually 一般作 grayAmE 【美】n [C,U] the colour of dark clouds, neither black nor white 灰色: dull greys and browns 暗灰色和棕色—greyness n [U]