1 [C,U] (a) preference (for sth) an interest in or desire for one thing more than another 喜爱;偏爱:
What you wear is entirely a matter of personal preference.穿什么完全是个人喜好问题。 [sing]Please list your choices in order of preference (= put the things you want most first on the list).请把你的选择按喜好程度列出。
2 [U] special treatment that you give to one person or group rather than to others 优先权;优待;优惠:
When allocating accommodation, we will give preference to families with young children.分配住房时,我们将优先考虑有年幼子女的家庭。
preference/ˋprɛfərəns; ˈpref$rəns/n 1 [C,U] when someone likes something more than something else 偏爱﹐偏好: Which style you choose is just a matter of personal preference . 选择哪种风格只是个人的喜好问题。+for Some parents have a strong preference for one school or another. 有些家长对某所学校有强烈的偏好。in preference to sth He drinks coffee in preference to tea. 他喜欢喝咖啡而不是茶。You can list up to five choices, in order of preference . 你可以按喜好程度最多列出五种选择。2 give/show preference (to sb) to treat someone better or give them an advantage over other people 偏爱(某人)﹔给予(某人)优先权: Preference will be given to candidates who speak foreign languages. 将优先考虑会说外语的申请人。
preferencepreferencepreferencesnouna feeling that you like one thing or person better than another: We have lemonade and orange juice – do you have a preference?