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(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)
IELTS BNC: 1106 COCA: 943
fly1/flaI; flaI/ v past tense flew /flu; fluː/past participle flown /flon; fləʊn/third person singular flies 1 [I] to travel somewhere by plane 乘飞机: +to They flew to Paris for their honeymoon. 他们乘飞机去巴黎度蜜月。+from/out of The team is flying out of Heathrow airport this afternoon. 这支球队今天下午乘坐飞机从希斯罗机场起飞。see box at TRAVEL 1 方框2 [I] if a plane, bird, or insect flies, it moves through the air〔飞机〕飞行﹔〔鸟或昆虫〕飞﹐飞翔: A helicopter flew overhead. 一架直升机在头顶上盘旋。Something frightened the bird and it flew off. 有什么东西惊动了那只鸟儿﹐它便飞走了。3 [I,T] to be the pilot of a plane 驾驶(飞机): Bill's learning to fly. 比尔在学开飞机。I’ve never flown an aeroplane before. 我以前从没有开过飞机。4 [T] to take something somewhere by plane 空运: fly sth into/out of sth Medical supplies are being flown into the area. 医疗物资正由飞机运往该地区。5 [I] a) to suddenly move very quickly 快速移动﹐疾驰: +down/up/into/past etc Timmy flew down the stairs and out of the door. 蒂米一阵风似的奔下楼﹐冲出了门。The door suddenly flew open . 门呼啦一下打开了。 b) to suddenly move through the air 在空中快速移动: Helena tripped and went flying (=fell over). 海伦娜绊了一下﹐摔了个大跟斗。He knocked into the tray and sent the cups flying . 他撞到托盘上﹐把杯子都撞飞了。6 [I] if time flies, it seems to pass very quickly〔时间〕飞逝: Is it 5:30 already? Boy, time sure does fly! 已经五点半了吗? 好家伙﹐时间过得真是快啊!+by/past Last week just flew by. 上个星期过得飞快。7 [I,T] to move in the air, or to make something move in the air (使)飘扬﹐(使)飞扬: The French flag was flying over the Embassy. 法国国旗在大使馆上空飘扬。children flying kites in the park 在公园里放风筝的孩子8 fly into a rage/temper also 又作 fly off the handle spoken 【口】to suddenly become very angry 勃然大怒fly around/about phr v if suggestions, ideas etc are flying around, a lot of people are talking about something〔猜测﹑想法等〕流传﹐四处传播: There are a lot of rumours flying around. 传言满天飞。

fly2 n [C] plural flies 1 a small insect with two wings 苍蝇: There were flies all over the food. 食物上满是苍蝇。2 also 又作 flies BrE 【英】the ZIP or row of buttons at the front of a pair of trousers 裤门襟﹐门襟: Your fly is unzipped. 你的裤子门襟没拉上。

👨🏻‍🏫 Mr. Ng 進階詞典 📚 – junior.mister5️⃣.net
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