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(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)
IELTS BNC: 1106 COCA: 943
/flaɪ ||; flaɪ/verb (present participle flying third person singular present flies;past tense flew /flu: ||; flu/ past participle flown /fləʊn ||; flon/)
1 [I] (used about a bird, insect, aircraft, etc) to move through the air (指鸟类、昆虫、飞机等)飞: This bird has a broken wing and can't fly. 小鸟折了一只翅膀,飞不起来了。 I can hear a plane flying overhead. 我听得见头顶飞过一架飞机。
2 [I,T] to travel or carry sth in an aircraft, etc 坐飞机;空运: My daughter is flying (out) to Singapore next week. 我女儿下星期要坐飞机去新加坡。 Supplies of food were flown (in) to the starving people. 粮食由飞机运给饥民。
3 [I,T] (used about a pilot) to control an aircraft (指飞行员)驾驶(飞机): You have to have special training to fly a jumbo jet. 必须受过专门训练,才可以驾驶巨型喷气式飞机。
4 [I] to move quickly or suddenly, especially through the air 急速或突然移动(尤指在空中): A large stone came flying through the window. 打窗口飞进来一块大石头。 I slipped and my shopping went flying everywhere. 我滑了一交,所购之物撒了一地。 Suddenly the door flew open and Mark came running in. 门忽然开了,马克跑进来。 (figurative 比喻) The weekend has just flown by and now it's Monday again. 周末才刚匆匆而过,转眼又到星期一了。
5 [I,T] to move about in the air; to make sth move about in the air 飘扬;使飘扬: The flags are flying. 旗帜迎风飘扬。 to fly a flag/kite 挂旗;放风筝 ☞noun flight 名词为flight
as the crow fliesCROW¹ fly off the handle(informal 非正式) to become very angry in an unreasonable way (莫名其妙地)大发脾气 let fly (at sb/sth)
1 to shout angrily at sb 向…怒吼
2 to hit sb in anger 怒打: She let fly at him with her fists. 她气得打了他几拳。
/flaɪ ||; flaɪ/noun[C]
1 (plural flies) a small insect with two wings 苍蝇: Flies buzzed round the dead cow. 一群苍蝇绕着那条牛的尸体嗡嗡地转。 ☞picture at insectinsect插图
2 (also flies [pl]) an opening down the front of a pair of trousers that fastens with buttons or another device (a zip)and is covered with a narrow piece of material (裤子的)拉链遮盖,钮扣遮盖 ☞picture on page C6 见C6页插图
IELTS BNC: 1106 COCA: 943
fly1/flaI; flaI/ v past tense flew /flu; fluː/past participle flown /flon; fləʊn/third person singular flies 1 [I] to travel somewhere by plane 乘飞机: +to They flew to Paris for their honeymoon. 他们乘飞机去巴黎度蜜月。+from/out of The team is flying out of Heathrow airport this afternoon. 这支球队今天下午乘坐飞机从希斯罗机场起飞。see box at TRAVEL 1 方框2 [I] if a plane, bird, or insect flies, it moves through the air〔飞机〕飞行﹔〔鸟或昆虫〕飞﹐飞翔: A helicopter flew overhead. 一架直升机在头顶上盘旋。Something frightened the bird and it flew off. 有什么东西惊动了那只鸟儿﹐它便飞走了。3 [I,T] to be the pilot of a plane 驾驶(飞机): Bill's learning to fly. 比尔在学开飞机。I’ve never flown an aeroplane before. 我以前从没有开过飞机。4 [T] to take something somewhere by plane 空运: fly sth into/out of sth Medical supplies are being flown into the area. 医疗物资正由飞机运往该地区。5 [I] a) to suddenly move very quickly 快速移动﹐疾驰: +down/up/into/past etc Timmy flew down the stairs and out of the door. 蒂米一阵风似的奔下楼﹐冲出了门。The door suddenly flew open . 门呼啦一下打开了。 b) to suddenly move through the air 在空中快速移动: Helena tripped and went flying (=fell over). 海伦娜绊了一下﹐摔了个大跟斗。He knocked into the tray and sent the cups flying . 他撞到托盘上﹐把杯子都撞飞了。6 [I] if time flies, it seems to pass very quickly〔时间〕飞逝: Is it 5:30 already? Boy, time sure does fly! 已经五点半了吗? 好家伙﹐时间过得真是快啊!+by/past Last week just flew by. 上个星期过得飞快。7 [I,T] to move in the air, or to make something move in the air (使)飘扬﹐(使)飞扬: The French flag was flying over the Embassy. 法国国旗在大使馆上空飘扬。children flying kites in the park 在公园里放风筝的孩子8 fly into a rage/temper also 又作 fly off the handle spoken 【口】to suddenly become very angry 勃然大怒fly around/about phr v if suggestions, ideas etc are flying around, a lot of people are talking about something〔猜测﹑想法等〕流传﹐四处传播: There are a lot of rumours flying around. 传言满天飞。

fly2 n [C] plural flies 1 a small insect with two wings 苍蝇: There were flies all over the food. 食物上满是苍蝇。2 also 又作 flies BrE 【英】the ZIP or row of buttons at the front of a pair of trousers 裤门襟﹐门襟: Your fly is unzipped. 你的裤子门襟没拉上。
IELTS BNC: 1106 COCA: 943
fly flyflysflies2 noun (plural flies)1 a small insect with two wings2(British also flies) the part where you fasten a pair of trousers at the front: Your fly is undone!
fly flyflysfliesflewflown1 verb (flies, flying, flew /, has flown )1to move through the air: In autumn some birds fly to warmer countries.2to make an aircraft move through the air: A pilot is a person who flies an aircraft.3to travel in a plane: I'm flying to Abu Dhabi tomorrow.4to move quickly: The door suddenly flew open and John came in. A stone came flying through the window.

👨🏻‍🏫 Mr. Ng 進階詞典 📚 – junior.mister5️⃣.net
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