economy1/IˋkɑnəmI; Iˈkɒnəmi/n plural economies 1 [C] the system by which a country's money and goods are produced and used, or a country considered in this way 经济﹔经济情况﹔经济制度: a capitalist economy 资本主义经济the slowdown in the Japanese economy 日本经济的放缓the economies of Eastern Europe 东欧各经济体2 [C,U] the careful use of things so that nothing is wasted and less money is spent 节约﹐节省: the need to make economies 节约的必要性For reasons of economy , we are not having a Christmas party this year. 为了节省开支﹐我们今年不搞圣诞聚会了。MARKET ECONOMY
economy2adj [only before noun 仅用于名词前] cheap or intended to save money 经济的﹐节俭的: an economy class air ticket 一张经济舱机票a large economy pack 大包经济装