contest1/ˋkɑntɛst; ˈkɒntest/n [C] a competition 比赛﹐竞赛: +for the contest for the world title 争夺世界冠军的比赛I only entered the contest for fun. 我参加比赛纯粹是为了好玩。The election will be a close contest (=one which either party, team etc could win, because they are equally popular, good etc). 这次选举将是一场势均力敌的较量。
contest2/kənˋtɛst; kənˈtest/v [T] 1 to say formally that you do not think something is correct or fair 对…提出质疑[异议]: His brothers contested the will. 他的兄弟们对这份遗嘱提出质疑。2 to try to win something, especially an election 争夺﹐角逐〔尤指竞选〕