chill1/tʃIl; tʃIl/n 1 [singular 单数] a feeling of coldness 寒意﹐寒气: There was a slight chill in the air . 空气中透着一丝寒意。2 [C] a sudden feeling of fear 害怕﹐寒心: The sound of his laugh sent a chill through her. 他的笑声让她不寒而栗。3 [C] a slight illness like a cold 小感冒﹐着凉: Take off those wet clothes before you catch a chill . 把那些湿衣服脱掉﹐免得着凉。
chill2v 1 [T] to make something or someone cold 使变冷﹐使冷却: Champagne should be chilled before serving. 香槟酒应冰镇后饮用。2 [I] informal also 又作 chill out to relax instead of feeling angry or nervous【非正式】放松﹐冷静: Chill out, Dave, it doesn’t matter. 放轻松﹐戴夫﹐没关系的。